Projekty Europejskie I LO w Dębicy


Czym jest baklawa? Baklawa to deser z ciasta filo. Rozpowrzechniona jest w kuchnii greckiej, tureckiej, perskiej i innych krajow bałkańskich. Co potrzeba na baklawę? Składniki: •300g orzechów włoskich •3 łyżki cukru •1 łyżeczka cynamonu •ok. 480- 500g ciasta filo  •200g masła Syrop: •150ml wody •50g miodu •170g cukru •1 łyżka soku z cytryny •posiekane pistacje do dekoracji Przepis: 1. Posiekaj lub zmiel orzechy, aż pozostaną kawałki. Wymieszać z cynamonem i cukrem. 2. Masło powinno się stopić. Ostudzić. 3. Pokrój ciasto na kształty i rozmiary. 4. Foremkę wysmarować stopionym masłem. Rozłóż dwa arkusze ciasta. Drugi arkusz posmarować masłem. Połóż kolejne dwa arkusze na wierzchu, posmaruj masłem i rozłóż dwa arkusze. Rozłóż 1/3 orzechów na szóstym arkuszu. Przykryć jeszcze dwoma arkuszami i posmarować masłem. Połóż dwa arkusze na wierzchu, posmarowane masłem i jeszcze dwa arkusze, posmarowane masłem. Włóż połowę pozostałych orzechów i ponownie ułóż dwa arkusze, smarując się masłem. Na posmarowanej masłem blasze nr 18 połóż pozostałe orzechy, a następnie 2 blachy, posmaruj masłem do uzyskania 24 lub więcej orzechów i ubij według uznania. Ostatni arkusz posmaruj masłem. 5. Ostrym nożem pokroić ciasto w kostkę, trójkąty lub romby. 6. Piec w piekarniku ok. 30 minut, do zarumienienia, w temperaturze 180°C. Podczas pieczenia przygotować syrop. Do garnka wlać wodę. Dodać cukier i miód. Zagotować, a następnie gotować na średniej mocy palnika, aż powstanie syrop, ok. 10- 15 minut. Ściągnąć z pieca i dodać sok z cytryny. Pozostawić do ostygnięcia. 7.Upieczone ciasto wyciągnąć z piekarnika, odczekać  5 minut i polać syropem. Posypać posiekanymi pistacjami. Smacznego!

Olive oil and olives

Olive and olive oil Olives are consider the symbols of: peace, wisdom, prosperity, wins, health and luckOlive trees were consider a basic contonent of the greek diet since the ancient times. Even back then greeks knew that olive oil was natural source of health for human body thanks to its neutritional value. It is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been linked to improvements in cholesterol levels and a reduction in the risk of heart disease. Olive oil is also a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that can protect against damage to cells, and has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains phenolic compounds, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It`s unique taste compare to the other natural olives make it so popular. Olive tree The olive tree has been cultivated for thousands of years and its origins can be traced back to the Mediterranean region. Olive oil production dates back to ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks and Romans, who used it for a wide range of purposes including cooking, lighting lamps, and as a beauty treatment. Today, olive oil is produced in many countries around the world, but some of the most highly regarded oils still come from the Mediterranean region, particularly Italy, Greece, Spain, and Turkey. Where can I use olive oil? In terms of culinary uses, olive oil is extremely versatile. It is commonly used in cooking, baking, and as a salad dressing. Its mild, fruity flavor pairs well with a wide range of foods, and it is often used to enhance the flavor of vegetables, pasta, and fish dishes. It can also be used as a dipping oil for bread or as a base for marinades. Diffrent types of olive oil Extra virgin olive oil is considered the highest quality olive oil, as it is the result of the first pressing of the olives. It’s unrefined, has an intense fruity flavor, and a robust taste. This type of oil is rich in antioxidants and has high amounts of oleic acid, making it ideal for drizzling over salads and dipping bread. Virgin olive oil is also extracted by pressing olives but has a higher acidity and a milder flavor than extra virgin oil. It’s ideal for cooking, as it can withstand high temperatures without breaking down.Pure olive oil is a blend of virgin and refined olive oil with lower quality and fewer nutrients than virgin olive oil. It’s excellent for frying and can be used to sauté vegetables and meats. Refined olive oil is extracted using solvents, heat, and chemical processes to remove impurities and unwanted flavors. The resulting oil has a light flavor, an almost inoffensive taste, and a high smoke point, making it ideal for deep frying. Prododution of olive oil now and back then Olive oil has been used for thousands of years, and its production process has evolved over time. In ancient times, olives were hand-picked from trees and ground into a paste using large stones. The paste was then pressed between mats or rocks to extract the oil. This process was time-consuming and required significant physical labor.Today, most olive oil production is mechanized, with machines that harvest the olives and separate the fruit from the leaves and branches. The olives are then washed, crushed, and the resulting paste is pressed or spun in a centrifuge to extract the oil. This process is much faster and more efficient than the traditional method, which means that larger quantities of oil can be produced much more quickly.While the production process has changed over time, the basic principles of making olive oil remain the same. The quality of the oil still depends on factors such as the type of olives used, the ripeness of the fruit, and the production techniques. Today, there are many different types of olive oils available, ranging from extra virgin to pomace, which is made from the leftover pulp and skin that remains after the initial pressing. Regardless of the method used, olive oil remains a popular and versatile ingredient in cooking and other applications.